A Passion for Travel and Photography - capturing Earths beauty


The world is my oyster

About me

I’m Sophie, a 28 year old photographer/traveller. I knew I wanted to be a photographer since the age of 15 and I knew I wanted to travel since long before then. I have set a goal in life to travel to all 197 countries, I hope to achieve this one day! I believe that moving to Spain at the age of 9 and growing up in a different culture is where my passion for travel came from.

I studied at London South Bank Univerity, where I graduated in 2018. Thereafter, I have been a freelance photographer. I have been travelling and taking photos all over the world.

I have the skills and ability to photograph everything, but my passion lies with landscapes/cityscapes. There is something about being in nature, or in a busy city, just me and my camera, that I love.

  • Here, Now - Free Range, Old Truman Brewery, London, UK. 2018

    XPrint - Skala Gallery, Poznan, Poland. 2017

    Engima 31 - Cob Gallery, Camden, London, UK. 2016

  • Docu Magazine - Docu Books Vol 18. 2023

    Moscow International Foto Awards - Honarable mention. 2020